Monday, December 14, 2009


I am going to be posting twice tonight... I think hehe

My first post is going to be about the issue of trust. I was joking with some one the other day and he said I never worry, or at least almost never. I responded back with "I don't worry either, I just forget to trust." Now it was funny at the time, but it is very true.

I have trust issues, I can admit that, and know it! Trust has never come easy for me, and if you know me at all, you can attest to that fact. I have come along way in that area in the last five years!!! But recently again I dealt with the trust thing when I decided to move back home. I had no job, no prospects, and didn't know why I was doing it, except that God told me to. So I listened, and six months later, I still was stuck without a job, and to add to that fact, I wrecked my car. There were a few days that I didn't want to get out of bed, and that I argued with God. "Surely I didn't hear you right, or surely this wasn't how you meant this to be." But there was no response from him. I was left broke, jobless, and carless. I got to the point that I was ready to give up. To me, this wasn't necessarily worrying. It was forgetting to trust, or even worse CHOOSING not to trust!! I had gotten to the point that I wasn't getting my hopes up about anything. I am generally a very optimistic person, but that's how discouraged I was.

Then, miracle of miracles!! In one day, I got a job, a car, and my phone back!!! I love the fact that it doesn't matter if I trust or not, God still is in control!!! AND STILL CARES ABOUT US!!!

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