Monday, December 14, 2009


Not that you would be able to guess, but this blog is going to be about respect!!! Respect is a mental attitude, but it shows itself in many different ways. Each person shows and recieves respect differently! That's part of the complexity of the human race. Now I am going to "vent" a little bit!!

I AM SICK TO DEATH of man bashing. Whether it's a "Top ten reasons I hate men" status on facebook, or whether it's a commercial where they say that men are good for nothing but frozenly watching a big screen tv. I get so sick and tired of the jokes that I hear, EVEN FROM CHRISTIAN WOMEN, that are motivated to disrespect men! For that matter christian men often do the same thing. A woman can't love a man whom she can't respect!  A man I know really well turned into one of those cowardly ball less men, and I lost so much respect for him. This has really been on my mind lately because I realize that of the single men I know that are around my age, there is exactly ONE that I see as demanding respect. My cousin once said to me, "You want a guy that is a sniveling little "Yes man'" I had to disagree heartily with him. I want a strong man!!! (Not necessarily physically!) I want a man that I can respect, and that demands respect. There are way too many things in our society from TV shows to commercials, to even jokes that castrate our men. And the men have let it happen!!! It's a difficult thing to find a man with balls anymore (if you have a man like that, good for you, and if you are a man with balls (real ones!!) awesome) Trust me, I have been keeping my eyes open.

I am talking about men who will follow the biblical example of what a husband is supposed to be! I am going to quote from one of my favorite books... Veritas Conflict "Yes the passage (Ephesians 5:25) does say that the wife should submit and that the husband, as the head, should love his wife as Christ loved us. So here's the question for you, ladies, knowing what you know about the Christ story who has the harder job? The wife who has to submit or the husband who has to love his wife like Christ loved the church." This means that the husband is commanded to serve, encourage, and sacrifice for his wife as Christ did for the church. This also means that he is supposed to LEAD her!! People have the concept of a man being spineless backwards. A man who serves and publically encourages his wife is considered spineless, even if he is an amazing leader in his household. The worlds view on a man who is a good head of the household is often a man who is tyrannical over his wife. Unfortunatly this often spills into the church's viewpoint and that often makes Christian men so fearful of being a tyrant that they become spineless!!

I realize that I am a strong willed, independent, opinionated woman, but daggone it, why aren't there some strong men out there that are willing to take on a challenge? I know that it will be a difficult one! I don't want this to turn into a poor Leslie she doesn't have a man so she needs to vent about that, because that's not what this is about!! This is about women respecting men and men demanding and earning that respect!! This is unfortunatly a shortcoming that is tearing families apart! And unfortunatly, this country is the worse for it!!

1 comment:

  1. i agree. but, there are men out there who are strong. they may have to work harder at it b/c of the society castrating them, but they are out there.

    keep respecting men. the women (and men) who don't will (prayerfully) see your example, and change their ways...
